Okay when I was in middle school and High school even a couple of times in college I had this reoccurring dream.
I would be in the game... running plays
ball going to Miranda...
and then Shaye...
Then out of no where the ball would be thrown
My hands would come flying up to protect myself
and then I would wake up...
Now for those of you who had the same coach I did maybe you had similar dreams. We would eat, sleep, play and live basketball. So much so that this dream still haunts me to this day... Crazy!!!
Flash forward to last nights dream
I was in the warm up session of our CrossFit workout
suddenly realized I had no bra on !!!!!! (shirt yes... bra no)
I guess somehow I continued to do part of the warm up and then went to the bathroom to barrow a sports bra when I looked down to put it on and all of the sudden I was like Andy Bernard from The Office in the Fun Run episode (see clip below)...
So I guess I am starting to eat, sleep and live this CrossFit stuff because it is now showing up in my dreams...
Here is the event that took place last night at the gym that probably triggered the dream.
I had to do a body composition. Yes, this is where you get on the scale and then they measure your arms, calves, waist, neck, chest... THIGHS!!! EVERYTHING!!!
This is great to have a starting point but here is what I experienced...
umm.... somehow between the time I left our house and the time I got to the gym I gained 4lbs!!! So that tells me my scales at home are off I am no longer 143.6 I am actually 147.6.
I did NOT shave my very, very, very white legs and my poor MALE trainer, JDP, had to measure my prickly calves and thighs... lovely and embarrassing
I wrote down ridiculous goals on my sheet... like to feel better and not get winded pushing the stroller and pre-baby body.... What I should have written were these three goals...
1. Do a push up (not on my knees)
2. Do an unassisted pull up (not on a box... maybe with a band first but then without)
So, by the time we started our work out I was in a body composition fog...
My coach is great he says not to worry about the numbers on paper to focus on the numbers I am putting up in the gym. I went on with the work out and tried to finish it... I got to round 6 of 10... I guess I am going to have to make that my 4th goal: FINISH A WORKOUT!!! Now, don't be deceived by this statement I am still working my tail-end off, sweating like crazy, aching like crazy afterwords.... just not strong and fast enough yet. But I WILL get there.
Garth is doing great and has finished most of the workouts... It has been fun comparing his experiences and mine.
Our new journey now is the diet part of the program... clean
Paleo/Zone eating...
Hello Holidays!!!!! Wish us luck!!!
This made me wonder if anyone else has these crazy dreams like me?