Sunday, February 21, 2010

Popcorn Monster...

This Saturday Izzy and I went with our friends Jackie and Max to see ELMO and ZOE LIVE! (yes all of the Sesame Street characters were there but these are the only two Izzy really cares about) This was our first live performance to attend so we were very excited.
We got inside the show and Izzy became very quiet. The lights lowered and Izzy looked at me and said "Here he comes." She was so serious, taking it all in. During the first half of the show, she would clap at the end of the songs but that was it, just still taking it all in. Every once in awhile she would turn around give me a big hug and a kiss and say, "Oh momma I love you!" My heart just melted...
Then just before intermission Izzy decided she wanted popcorn, so I took my melted heart right up to the concession stand to get her popcorn. Floating back down to give my precious little girl her popcorn I handed it to her and she proceeded to devour it... handful after handful after handful... I sternly told her to share with Max and she would oblige me and Max by giving him a single piece of popcorn... she had become the POPCORN Monster at Sesame Street!
Once intermission was over and the second half started Izzy could have cared less. She was only interested in the popcorn. Finally Elmo had a solo so I was able to distract her and give the tub o'fun to Max so he could enjoy for a bit. Then Elmo's short solo was over and Izzy had to have the popcorn back. The girl at this point was more excited about the popcorn than she was the show... I will keep this in mind for the next time.
She did end up slowing down and sharing more with her buddy Max... here is a look at some of the highlights of the show.

Ahh, what we will do for our kiddos and what we learn when we do ;)


  1. Aw I still say that same line! So it will never end no matter how old they get!
    Love mom

  2. Such sweet, sweet pictures the paparazzi can take! To everyone...I was trying to get out of the pictures, so really my double chin isn't usually THAT bad!
    Smiles, Jackie
