Thursday, January 27, 2011

Zumba or CrossFit????

To Zumba or To CrossFit...
I know many ladies out there who love to Zumba.
I have a hilarious friend who is a Zumba instructor in the Tulsa area. She travels all around the US going to Zumba get togethers and fundrasiers. It always looks like so much fun. Today she sent me the link to this video and I have been rolling on the floor laughing!!!!

Those of you who are CrossFitters will totally get it and then those of you who Zumba will also get it!


Tracey I think it's time for a THROW DOWN!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rescue me...

If ever there were a moment that my husband needed to rescue me by carrying me above his head I now know he could do it!

See for yourself!!

This is Garth lifting 135# overhead 30 times in the workout "Grace"

The picture was posted today on CrossFitJenks

Now, since he would only be rescuing me once and I weigh less than 135 I don't think he would be making this face. But knowing this I can sleep easier ;)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mix it up...

Never would have put these ingredients together but it was yummy!!!

PS I didn't take this pic ;)

The girls loved it and so did I!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011


Someone once told me that Monday is National Diet Day...

I thought really, I don't remember hearing that? And then they went on to say...

Yeah, EVERY Monday is National Diet Day...

The person was highlighting the fact that we all put things off until the perfect time.
Like to start something on a Monday will make you more successful??

I think not.

The point is to start... start at lunch today, start at dinner... start by not going for the extra snack after dinner tonight...


Here are a few resources and guidelines that we use and work for us. Maybe some sound extreme to you... ease into it... see how you feel.

Our guideline
Eat clean meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar and... and in our house little to no dairy

The Paleo Diet Cookbook by Dr. Loren Cordain (don't let the word diet scare ya... It's really a cookbook with explanations on why he agrees with Paleo)

The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf

The Primal Blueprint and Cookbook by Mark Sisson

The Gluten-Free Almond flour cookbook by elana Amsterdam

Websites: (click the eat primal tab for great recipes)

Everyday Paleo
(great quick recipes) (the FAQ AND TOOLS tabs are very helpful) this is my favorite for beginners!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Body Move'n...

So... today's WOD

3 rounds for time of:
6 Muscle-ups
30 Wallball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
12 Handstand push-ups
15 Power cleans (Men 135 lbs, Women 85 lbs)

Natalie's Modifications...

Muscle Up: 6 pull ups and 6 Ring dips with skinny purple band
HSPU: did Pump ups
Power Cleans: 65#
Wall Ball: was 10# or 12#?
Time: 28:07

Highlight of the workout for me....



This is a big deal to me!!!!! I could actually see the bar below or at my chin!!!

It has taken me over a year but I can now do it!!! I am stringing them together and getting it done.

My goal for the year is to get stronger and to continue my clean eating. I want to do things at the RX'd (prescribed) weight by the end of the year...

Easy Day Peeps!